How Do You Manage Bed Bug Infestation In Your Home, Especially In Monsoon?

Monsoon is the season when pest attacks become a terrible problem. Bugs reproduce at a higher rate during the rainy season. The problem is the bugs are hardly visible at night due to their red-brown texture, and the nocturnal hours make them most active.

We know the difficulty of finding a sustaining solution aggravates your situation in the long term. Before problems get worse, you can try applying some homemade solutions to the infested area. 

Below are the things you look for to get rid of bed bugs. Why understanding the species is relevant and every other detail regarding bugs – you will find here!

DIY Process to apply

Those of you who have not seen them before can spot them by the black to brown stains of defecation. Mould on porous and non-porous surfaces is another sign to confirm their presence. 

Bed bugs shed off their skin once the juvenile grows. It is pejorative to eradicate them as soon as possible when you experience a musty odour like a soda pop syrup.


Observe wooden headboards minutely.

Try to find red or small brown spots on the bed sheets.

Once you return from travel, keep your trolley off the floor and elevate your baggage and other personal belongings.

Rinsing sheets and clothes in hot water at regular intervals is mandatory.

Inspect all the furniture carefully before bringing them home.

Never forget to check your garage and utility room.

Knowing the specifications of bedbugs is crucial.

On Knowing Bed bugs

The ovular bugs are 5 mm long. They are wingless and rusty brown. 

1. Common bed bugs are known as Cimex lectularius. They survive on humans and other animals with equal gusto.

2. Cimex hemispheric is a Tropical bed bug. They cause trouble during the Monsoon.

Usually, the life span of adult bugs is around six months. They require a blood meal to moult and develop from nymphs.

Bugs – a cause of worry

Bed bugs leave reddish scars and tiny bruises, which may result in itching to your skin. They feed on human blood and cause blood loss along with infection in the victims. For a feasible solution, search for ‘bed bug pest control near me on time.

Do you know that bugs can invade almost any surface and even move through your entire house?

Yes, DIY products like diluted rubbing alcohol are fine to try at the beginning, but they will not promise a lasting impact to get rid of the silent killers. 

Where does Professional Pest Control excel?

Local exterminators for bed bug help you look for live insects, eggs, bloodstains, and dead bed bugs in the most bizarre places of your house like walls and furniture, mattresses and sheets, photo frames, wall hanging, roof cracks, and electrical outlets. Even the insects might get into your wallet, suitcases, and luggage when you travel on public transport.

If you stay somewhere near Brisbane, try running a location-specific search like bed bug control Brisbane on your search engine and get the contacts. Normally, licensed professionals like them need anywhere between 2 to 4 treatment sessions over 3 to 6 weeks to make your home free of bugs.   

If you wish, you can opt for the laundry treatment formula to kill these troublemakers. Google affordable bed bug control Brisbane to manage the larger infestation at a satisfactory treatment cost.

Problems of bug infestation

Owing to their high reproduction rate, you will never find a few bed bugs in one place. Professionals use an organic procedure that will not have an impact on the environment. Remember, only home cleaning will not help because 

Bugs have a silent infestation. 

Residents cannot prevent their growth in an untreated place.

Spotting their eggs with bare eyes is impossible. 

Chemical treatment alone is not adequate to restrain their breeding.

A detailed inspection is necessary as a single egg may reproduce into thousands.

Somehow, they manage to come again even after treatment. 

Bed bugs love to hide near their food source. They disappear into the crevices of box springs, hollow bedposts, and upholstery during the day. Search for the bed bug treatment brisbane that uses aerosols.

Other spots they prefer include cracked wallpaper and behind baseboards. Do examine all these susceptible areas to find bed bugs in your house.

As of now, there is no alternative for fumigation and ‘heat treatment’. Search for bed bug services near me to maintain industry standards for bed bug management.